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Kwik-Kopy Printing & Copying Centers - South By selecting the businesses within the SpringsBest group, you will receive a business that is qualified, established and committed to your satisfaction and success. Each member goes through a qualifying process and trial period to be associated with our group. What this means for you is no more digging through a phone book and guessing if you'll get the service you deserve.
Springs Best is an organization of reputable Colorado Springs businesses that provide services to businesses, homeowners and individuals. Each business must meet strict qualification standards to be awarded the distinction of Springs Best. Springs Best was established to provide businesses and individuals a source for proven, dependable services.
SpringsBest is a highly selective organization. The success of the group is founded on getting and keeping highly qualified members. Only one member per business category is allowed. Members may not participate in other networking groups or organizations that might create a conflict of interest with SpringsBest members.
The Bylaws of SpringsBest (formerly PeakTips) provided in Article XV that the Members could, by a vote of three-fourths (70%) of a quorum of the Members then voting, amend the Bylaws. The Members, having voted in accordance with the provisions of Article XV hereby Amend and Restate the Bylaws of SpringsBest.
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